Return Policy:
We accept returns on domestic items ordered on our website within 30-days after item is delivered.
Please note in order to be eligible for a return:
1. Items must be new, unused, and with tags attached in their original packaging.
2. You must include packing slip with return.
3. Returns/exchanges must be made within 30 days after item is delivered.
4. Original shipping fees are not refundable.
5. We offer free shipping for all items being returned for an exchange.
6. There will be a $5 reprocessing fee on all items being returned for a refund, which will be deducted from the return amount.
7. All sale items are final sale and not refundable.
*We ask when you wear underwear when first trying on our bodysuits.*
We reserve the right to not accept returns that do not follow the above criteria.
Damages and issues
Please inspect your order upon reception and contact us immediately if the item is defective, damaged or if you receive the wrong item, so that we can evaluate the issue and make it right.
Exceptions / non-returnable items
All accessories cannot be returned. Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on sale items or gift cards.
How To Return:
To start your return or exchange, please contact us at with the order number in the header and body of the email.
There will be a $5 restocking fee on all items being returned for a refund which will be deducted from the return amount.
You will receive an email confirmation once your return has been processed. Please allow 1-3 business days for us to complete your return once it has been delivered. Once your return has been processed, please allow 3-5 business days for funds to appear back in your account.
All exchanges are free.
To start your return/exchanges, please contact us at with the order number in the header and body of the email.